
この申請書のリンク先  https://ich.unesco.org/doc/src/43847-EN.pdf

The nomination consists of 17 traditional skills and techniques indispensable for conserving and transmitting wooden architecture in Japan. These skills and techniques are practiced by craftspersons who transmit them from generation to generation.
The vast knowledge regarding wood and other natural materials that these craftspersons possess comes from Japan’s natural environment. Roughly 70% of Japan is forested. Therefore,
wood and natural materials have been part of their lives since ancient times; they have made tools for daily use and built houses and other structures out of wood. They also acquired knowledge to restore these wooden structures, which begin decaying from the moment they are built because most of Japan has a hot and humid climate. Under these environmental conditions, it is not only the techniques for building new structures but also those for restoring existing ones that have played crucial roles in life with wooden structures. The damaged parts must be repaired every few years or decades. These skills and techniques require not only fine manual work, but also the knowledge about raw materials necessary for conservation and restoration.
Many historic wooden structures that have been conserved and recreated by these traditional skills and techniques continue to provide cultural symbols for present-day Japanese. For example, the oldest surviving wooden structure in the world, Horyu-ji temple (built in the early 7th century), is still visited by many. Such wooden cultural heritage, including their interior parts, has been a cultural and spiritual basis of the Japanese people.
